How to Apply

Admission Regulation 2025-2026

Distribution date of Admission Form (No quota): From 15th July, 2024

Distribution Period: From 21st August, 2024

Time:9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Mondays to Fridays)
 9:00a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  (Saturdays)


Kindergarten: K1 students for A.M./ P.M. classes, and transferred students K2 and K3 P.M. classes.

Nursery: Nursery for P.M. classes

Admission Method:

  1. For online application, please prepare the child’s birth certificate, the bank deposit receipt with the registration fee of HKD 40 and the softcopy of the child’s ID photo in advance.
  2. Fill in the online “Admission Application Form”, and upload the child’s ID photo, birth certificate and bank deposit receipt of the registration fee (please fill in the student’s name on the front of the receipt) and upload to the online registration system. After submission, you would receive a “confirmation email”.
  3. Please go to branches and directly deposit the application fee to the following bank account or pay the application fee through Automated Teller Machine.

Bank Name:Hang Seng Bank ( 024 )

        *Olympic Branch

         (Olympic Branch) Account number:223-070707-002

         (Olympic Branch ) Account name: DOMINIC SAVIO KINDERGARTEN

  1. Please add “[email protected]” for Olympic branch to your secure email address list to prevent the email system from deleting the “confirmation” by mistake, or please pay attention that mail may be sorted into miscellaneous box.
  2. Please fill in all information to complete the entire registration procedure.
  3. If you could not use the online registration system, you could visit our school to obtain the application form.
Download from School Website

From 15th July, 2024

Obtain at School

From 21st August, 2024

Submit the completed form to the school

On or after 09th September, 2024

Deadline of form submission

30th October, 2024

08th January, 2025

Date of Interview

2nd November, 2024

11th January, 2025

Interview Arrangement for Online Submission

> For those who submit online application on or  before September, we will inform the interview details by email in early October.

> For those who submit online application from October to 30th October (before the deadline), we will inform the interview details by email at 31st October.

> For those who submit online application from September to October, we will inform the interview details by email in early November.

> For those who submit online application from November to December, we will inform the interview details by email in early January.

> For those who submit online application from early in January to 08th January (before the deadline), we will inform the interview details by email at 09th January.

Interview Arrangements
  1. The kindergarten will arrange interview to meet all children who apply for admission.
  2. If you need interpretation/translation services, please call Olympic branch: 2626 9323, email: [email protected] to contact us or parents could choose to have a Chinese-speaking relatives and friends to accompany the children for assisting communication.
  3. Due to the large number of interviewees, we are not able to change any scheduled interview time.
  4. The personal information of the applicant is for admission purposes only. The personal data of unaccepted applicants will be destroyed within one year after admission announcement.
  5. If applicant would like to transfer to another branch of our kindergarten after admission results, parents must reapply for the child.
  6. The school will announce the admission results by email. For waitlisted students, the school will notify them individually when vacancies available.
  7. If the applicant intends to give up the place after submitting the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” and paying the registration fee, he must notify the school in writing three working days before so that the school could arrange for the applicant to retrieve the registration certificate. However, the paid registration fee would not be refunded.
Number of Enrolment:

(Olympic Branch) Kindergarten K1: 120, Nursery: 24

 Enrolment Criteria:
  1. Those with good performance at the interview.
  2. Preference will be given to students whose siblings graduated or studying in the school.
  3. Preference will be given to staff’s children.

     ** (Please be noted that NOT all eligible applicants will be admitted due to limited spaces.) **

Regarding the Announcement of the Admission Results and the Arrangement of the Registration Day:

 Admission ResultsRegistration Date and ArrangementRegistration Time
KindergartenParents will be notified by e-mail or post on or before 08th November 2024

Parents register in person at our school during 2nd January – 4th January 2025 (Centralised Registration Dates) by submitting the original copy of “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” (hereafter referred to as “RC”)/”Admission Pass” (hereafter referred to as “AP”) and paying registration fee

** Parents are required to submit an application for the RC to the EDB from September to November 2024. The “RC” will be open for applications in September 2024 and the Education Bureau (hereafter referred to as “EDB” will announce and upload the details of application onto the EDB’s website ( in due course.

Applicants on the waiting list: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the school. Parents are required to submit the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and pay the registration fee.

The registration fee for 2025/26 K1 place is HKD 970/ whole day class place is HKD 1570 . If the concerned children study in the kindergarten, the registration fee paid will be refunded in September. Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify the kindergarten in writing.The kindergarten will return the “RC” / “AP” but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon retrieving the “RC” / “AP”, the kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child.

(Mondays to Fridays)

> 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.


> 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

> 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

NurseryParents will be notified by e-mail or post on or before 17th January 2025

20th January – 21st January 2025

Parents register in person at our school and pay registration fee HKD 970



Lower Kindergarten (K1): ages 32 months to 4 years

Middle Kindergarten (K2): ages 4 to 5 years

Upper Kindergarten (K3): ages 5 to 6 years


ages 2 to 3 years


Class Schedules:

Morning session: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

Afternoon session: 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

School Fee:

Approved by the government, Dominic Savio Kindergarten (hereafter referred to as “the School”) has joined “Free Quality Kindergarten Education” (hereafter referred to “the Scheme”) launched by the Education Bureau (hereafter referred to “EDB”) since September 2017, children who study at the School would be eligible for school fee subsidy by the Scheme from the EDB.

For 2024-2025 (last school year), each half-day and whole-day student could be subsidized $39200/ year and $50960/ year respectively by the Scheme from the government. 

After subsidy, half-day students in the Schools need not paying any school fee while each whole-day student needs to pay a small amount of tuition.

Those who do not have “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” need to pay certain school fee set by the government.

Kindergarten (Final school fee to be approved and confirmed by the Education Bureau)
Olympic BranchA.M./ P.M. classes: No school fee is required
Nursery (Final school fee to be approved and confirmed by the Joint Office For Kindergartens and Child Care Centers)
Olympic BranchP.M. Nursery: HKD $4,600/ month

[Remarks: Annual school fee will be paid by 10 installments, no tuition for July and August]

Teaching Material Fee:

around HKD $1,500/term

Refreshment Fee:

HKD $550/term

Class Commencement Date: 1st September, 2025 (Mon)

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